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September 4th, 2020

Professional Passion Project: This project was about creating a video about our passion. Mr. Farley had said we could use the video we did for Ms. Myrdal's class back in the spring of 2020 and so I did. the video is pretty short and it revolves around different shots of whatever I could find. 

I really like the first shot and scene of a really unoriginal shot of leaves moving. But my ultimate favorite shot was of pouring wine into a shot glass specially because you could really see the rules of thirds in action. 

I'm still an amateur with taking video shots and whatnot. It was hard doing the whole thinking and filming by myself but I ;liked how I wa sin full control of this operation.



September 8th, 2020
This was a short assignment about creating a simple video. I used a video I had taken a few nights ago. Towards the zooming, you can tell it's wobbly and that's because I currently don't own a tripod. 
September 23rd, 2020
For this project, we were assigned to create a video about a specific concern of the planet, earth. At the time, there were big wildfires around here and smoke so I thought many people were going to talk about that. I chose to talk about pollution in recreational parks. I thought it was a topic that couldn't be dismissed and wanted to spread awareness about this concern since many go to recreational parks during this time. 
You'll see the video is vertical which is something I'm not happy with. However, I don't really go out so I had to stick with these clips. It was hard to edit the final version because the video itself was pretty short and I didn't have much clips to use. I had a few shots of trash accumulated by homeless people but Mr. Farley suggested not to use those since it didn't really go with my topic. 


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